Statutory Assessments

As your children move through the school, there are a number of statutory assessments that all children in England take part in.

These assessments include:


Key Stage One

  • phonics screening check: in June of Year 1

  • Key Stage 1 tests: optional, at the school’s discretion, at the end of Year 2

Key Stage Two

These are detailed on the DfE website: Information for parents about the national curriculum assessments for pupils in primary school.

Prior to the assessments, staff will invite parents in for a meeting to give more details about how these will be delivered and how parents can support their children.

Pupils working below the level of the national curriculum

In some cases, children are assessed by their teachers as working below the standards of the national curriculum in one or more subjects. In this instance, taking part in the assessments listed above may not be suitable so, instead, they may be assessed under an alternative teacher assessment – either the:

  • pre-key stage standards, if they are engaged in subject-specific study

  • engagement model, if they are not engaged in subject-specific study

We would inform you if this were the case. See here for more information: National curriculum assessments: information for parents - GOV.UK

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