Good attendance is essential for pupils to get the most out of their school experience, including their attainment, wellbeing and wider life chances. Regular attendance is the essential foundation to positive outcomes for all pupils including their safeguarding and welfare and should therefore be seen as everyone’s responsibility.
If your child is absent or going to be late for any reason, please inform the school before 9.00am so class teachers know of the reason for absence before the registration period. The attendance line number is: 0151 832 7602 and can be found at the bottom of the school website. You can aslo use the ArborApp to inform school of an absence or email [email protected]
By law, only the Headteacher can authorise your child’s absence. It is important to keep the school informed if your child is going to be absent as soon as possible at the start of the day.
If your child is frequently absent due to illness, the school may request permission to contact your GP for confirmation that they are too ill to attend school.
If it becomes clear that your child will be away from school for longer than expected, please phone the school to explain this as soon as possible.
If your child attends school and feels unwell during the school day, the school will contact you to arrange collection.
Please sign up to the Arbor which is a more efficient and secure system for reporting your child/children's absence due to illness. If you haven’t already, please get the free Arbor app, o and use it to tell us whenever your child’s ill and unable to attend school.
Please ensure you notify school on the first day of your child's absence. (If we don't hear from you or can't contact you, your child will be entered onto the system as an 'unauthorised absence'. Any more than 10 missed sessions per term could incur a Fixed Penalty Notice).
Parents & Children should be aiming for 100% attendance
School Starts at 8.50am School finishes at 3.15pm
Please allow plenty of time for children to be punctual for registration
A rrive on time so your child does not miss out.
T ell school on the first day of absence why your child cannot attend.
T ime missed is difficult to catch up.
E ducation is important.
N ote school procedures and follow them.
D o not take holidays during term time.
A ttendance awards are celebrated weekly and termly.
N on-attendance will be followed up legally.
C hildren's full attendance is important for their future.
E ducation will help your child reach their full potential.
Lateness = Lost Learning
(figures below are calculated over a school year)
5 minutes late each day = 3 days lost!
10 minutes late each day = 6.5 days lost!
15 minutes late each day = 10 days lost!
20 minutes late each day = 13 days lost!
30 minutes late each day = 19 days lost!
As few as 19 missed days over the school year reduces their chances of success.
The question of attendance requires a partnership between parent/carers and school, with shared responsibility. Parent/Carers are primarily responsible for ensuring that children attend school, and it is the responsibility of the school to support attendance and to take seriusly problems which may lead to non-attendance.
- Under existing legislation parent/carers commit an offence if a child fails to attend school regulary.
- Without notification to school on the first day of absnce, attendance will be recorded as unauthorised.
- If unauthorised non-attendance continues this will result in a fixed penalty notice being served.
- Depending on circumstances such cases may result in prosecution under section 444 if the Education Act 1996.
We would like to thank parents/carers for you continued support.