May reading event
Dear Parents/Guardians,
May is ‘National Share a Story’ month and we want to celebrate this! So…
We will be taking part in a 28-day reading challenge as part of National Storytelling Month!, As ever, we would really love you to become involved at home!
We know you like a challenge!
Each child will receive their own Reading Challenge booklet where they can record what they have been doing. We are asking that every child enjoy a bedtime story, chapter or reading activity for as many evenings in May as they can! Each night, they record this in their booklet.
One completed the booklets will be handed back to the class teacher. There will be a prize draw with a chance to win a bundle of books!
There will also be a class prize for the class with the highest amount of tasks completed! Individual prizes will also be given out for those who have taken part!
This will start on the 1st May and finish the last day of half term 28th May. Please see our school website for more information and an example of the booklet your child will receive.
So why not give it a go! Read… Read… Read!
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Roberts